7 Best Exercises for a Bigger Chest (Look Good, Build Muscle)


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Apr 13, 2024

7 Best Exercises for a Bigger Chest (Look Good, Build Muscle)

When it comes to sculpting an impressive physique, a well-developed chest is often a top priority for fitness enthusiasts. A muscular chest not only enhances your overall aesthetics but also signifies

When it comes to sculpting an impressive physique, a well-developed chest is often a top priority for fitness enthusiasts.

A muscular chest not only enhances your overall aesthetics but also signifies strength and power. Whether you’re aiming to turn heads at the beach or increase your performance in sports, a bigger chest can make a significant difference in your physique.

Beyond the aesthetics, a strong chest is vital for functional fitness. The chest muscles, primarily the pectoralis major and minor, play a crucial role in various upper body movements.

From pushing objects in everyday life to excelling in exercises like push-ups and bench presses, a strong chest is essential for optimal performance.

Achieving a bigger chest involves more than just hitting the gym and lifting weights. Understanding the key factors for chest muscle growth is essential for designing an effective workout regimen. These factors include:

Progressive Overload: To stimulate muscle growth, you must gradually increase the resistance or weight you lift over time. This progressive overload is crucial for forcing your chest muscles to adapt and grow stronger.

Proper Nutrition: Muscle growth is heavily influenced by your diet. Consuming an adequate amount of protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats is essential for providing your muscles with the nutrients they need to recover and grow.

Rest and Recovery: Muscle growth occurs during periods of rest, not just in the gym. Getting enough sleep and allowing your muscles to recover between workouts is vital for maximizing chest muscle growth.

Variety in Exercises: Incorporating a variety of chest exercises into your routine helps target different parts of the chest muscle complex, leading to more balanced and complete development.

Proper exercise selection is the cornerstone of an effective chest workout routine. Not all chest exercises are created equal, and choosing the right ones can make a substantial difference in your progress. Factors to consider when selecting chest exercises include:

Muscle Activation: Effective chest exercises should target the chest muscles with precision, ensuring that they are adequately engaged throughout the movement.

Safety and Form: Select exercises that you can perform safely with proper form. Using improper technique can lead to injuries and hinder your progress.

Variety: Incorporating a mix of compound and isolation exercises can help you work different aspects of your chest muscles for a well-rounded development.

Personal Goals: Your choice of exercises should align with your specific fitness goals, whether that’s hypertrophy (muscle growth), strength, or endurance.

As we delve deeper into this article, we will explore the seven best chest exercises that encompass these principles, helping you build a bigger, stronger, and more defined chest. Remember, achieving your chest muscle growth goals requires dedication, consistency, and the right knowledge, all of which we aim to provide in this comprehensive guide.

When it comes to chest development, bench press variations are among the most effective exercises you can incorporate into your routine. In this section, we will explore two primary bench press variations: the barbell bench press and the dumbbell bench press.

The barbell bench press is a classic compound exercise that targets the entire chest, along with the front shoulders and triceps. Here’s how to perform it with proper technique:

Setup: Lie flat on a bench with your feet firmly planted on the ground. Your back, shoulders, and buttocks should be in contact with the bench. Grip the barbell slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, keeping your wrists straight.

Descent: Lower the barbell to your chest in a controlled manner, making sure it touches your chest lightly. Keep your elbows at around a 45-degree angle from your torso to protect your shoulders.

Ascent: Push the barbell back up to the starting position, exhaling as you extend your arms. Focus on contracting your chest muscles at the top of the movement.

Safety Tip: Always use a spotter when lifting heavy weights to ensure your safety.

Incline Bench Press: By adjusting the bench to an incline, you shift the focus of the exercise to the upper chest, targeting the clavicular head of the pectoralis major.

Decline Bench Press: Conversely, the decline bench press emphasizes the lower chest muscles. This can create a well-rounded chest when combined with flat and incline bench presses in your routine.

The dumbbell bench press is another highly effective chest exercise that offers some unique benefits. Here’s how to do it correctly:

Setup: Lie on a flat bench with a dumbbell in each hand, held at shoulder height. Your palms should be facing forward, and your feet should be flat on the floor.

Descent: Lower the dumbbells slowly and under control until your elbows are at a 90-degree angle or slightly lower. Allow your upper arms to come out to the sides to maximize chest engagement.

Ascent: Push the dumbbells back up to the starting position while squeezing your chest muscles at the top of the movement.

Improved Muscle Balance: Dumbbell bench presses can help address muscle imbalances because each arm works independently. This can lead to a more balanced chest development.

Increased Range of Motion: Dumbbells allow for a greater range of motion compared to a barbell, which can stimulate muscle fibers differently.

Enhanced Stabilization: You’ll engage your stabilizer muscles to a greater extent with dumbbells, contributing to overall strength and stability.

Incline Dumbbell Press: Similar to the barbell variation, incline dumbbell presses target the upper chest when performed on an incline bench.

Decline Dumbbell Press: Using a decline bench with dumbbells shifts the focus to the lower chest muscles, complementing your chest workout routine.

Incorporating both barbell and dumbbell bench press variations into your chest training regimen can provide a comprehensive and balanced approach to chest muscle development, ensuring you target different muscle fibers and achieve a well-rounded chest.

Push-ups are a versatile and effective bodyweight exercise that can be adapted to suit various fitness levels and goals. In this section, we’ll explore two categories of push-up variations: the standard push-up and weighted push-ups.

The standard push-up is a fundamental bodyweight exercise that primarily targets the chest, shoulders, and triceps. Proper form is essential to maximize its benefits:

Starting Position: Begin in a plank position with your hands placed slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Your body should form a straight line from head to heels.

Descent: Lower your body by bending your elbows, keeping them close to your sides. Lower yourself until your chest nearly touches the ground, maintaining a tight core and a straight back.

Ascent: Push your body back up to the starting position while maintaining a straight line from head to heels. Extend your arms fully at the top of the movement.

Convenience: Push-ups require no equipment and can be done virtually anywhere, making them an excellent choice for home workouts or while traveling.

Upper Body Strength: They help develop chest, shoulder, and tricep strength, contributing to a more powerful upper body.

Core Engagement: Push-ups engage your core muscles, helping to improve overall stability and posture.

Wide Grip Push-Up: Place your hands wider than shoulder-width apart. This variation emphasizes the chest muscles to a greater extent.

Diamond Push-Up: Position your hands close together beneath your chest, forming a diamond shape with your thumbs and index fingers. Diamond push-ups place more emphasis on the triceps.

Weighted push-ups are a progressive variation that involves adding extra resistance to the standard push-up. Here’s how to perform them with proper technique:

Setup: Place a weight plate or wear a weighted vest to add resistance. Alternatively, you can have a partner gently place weight on your back.

Execution: Perform the push-up with the added resistance, following the same form as the standard push-up.

Increased Intensity: Weighted push-ups challenge your muscles to a greater degree, promoting muscle growth and strength gains.

Progressive Overload: By gradually increasing the weight, you can continually challenge your muscles and facilitate growth over time.

Functional Strength: Developing the ability to push or lift heavy objects in daily life becomes easier with increased upper body strength from weighted push-ups.

Decline Weighted Push-Up: Place your feet on an elevated surface, such as a bench, and perform weighted push-ups. This variation further engages the upper chest muscles.

One-Arm Weighted Push-Up: To intensify the challenge, perform push-ups with one hand on the weight while the other hand rests on the ground. This unilateral exercise enhances muscle imbalances and strength.

Incorporating both standard and weighted push-up variations into your workout routine can help you build upper body strength, increase muscle definition, and provide a well-rounded approach to chest and tricep development. Experiment with different push-up variations to keep your workouts interesting and continually challenge your muscles.

Chest fly exercises are essential for targeting the pectoral muscles while providing a unique range of motion. In this section, we’ll explore two popular variations: cable flyes and dumbbell flyes.

Cable flyes are performed using a cable machine with adjustable pulleys. They emphasize chest isolation and provide consistent resistance throughout the movement.

Setup: Stand in the center of a cable machine, adjusting the pulleys to shoulder height. Grasp a handle in each hand, and step forward, creating tension in the cables. Maintain a slight bend in your elbows and a neutral spine.

Execution: Bring your hands together in front of your chest while keeping your elbows slightly bent. Focus on squeezing your chest muscles as you bring your hands close together. Slowly return to the starting position, feeling a stretch in your chest.

Isolation: Cable flyes specifically target the chest muscles, helping to create a deep mind-muscle connection and enhancing muscle definition.

Constant Tension: Unlike other exercises, cable flyes maintain consistent tension on the chest muscles throughout the entire range of motion, which can lead to muscle growth.

Low-to-High Cable Flyes: Adjust the pulleys to a low position and perform cable flyes by bringing your hands upward in a sweeping motion. This variation emphasizes the lower chest and provides a unique challenge.

Dumbbell flyes are an excellent free-weight exercise for chest development, providing a deep stretch and contraction.

Setup: Lie on a flat bench with a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing inward. Start with your arms extended and a slight bend in your elbows.

Execution: Lower the dumbbells to the sides until you feel a comfortable stretch in your chest. Keep your elbows slightly bent and maintain the same angle throughout the movement. Raise the dumbbells back to the starting position, squeezing your chest muscles at the top.

Stretch and Contraction: Dumbbell flyes offer an exceptional stretch at the bottom of the movement, which can help improve chest flexibility and muscle activation.

Muscle Engagement: They engage the chest muscles in a unique way, promoting balance and muscle development.

Incline Dumbbell Flyes: Perform flyes on an incline bench to target the upper chest. This variation adds dimension to your chest development.

Pec-Deck Machine Flyes: If you prefer machines, the pec-deck machine is another way to perform flyes. It provides stability and controlled resistance.

Both cable flyes and dumbbell flyes are valuable additions to your chest workout routine. While cable flyes emphasize constant tension and isolation, dumbbell flyes offer a deep stretch and unique muscle engagement. Incorporating both variations can contribute to a well-rounded chest development, helping you achieve a balanced and defined chest.

Chest dips are a challenging bodyweight exercise that can significantly contribute to the development of your chest muscles. In this section, we’ll explore the technique and form, benefits, and variations of chest dips.


Find a parallel dip bar or parallel bars at a dip station. Place your hands on the bars with your palms facing inward (towards each other). Your arms should be fully extended, and your body should be suspended in the air between the bars.


Lower your body by bending your elbows, allowing them to flare out to the sides. Continue lowering yourself until your shoulders are at or below your elbows, ensuring a deep stretch in your chest.

Push your body back up to the starting position by extending your arms. Focus on contracting your chest muscles as you push up.

Form Tips:

Chest Muscle Development:

Chest dips primarily target the pectoral muscles, particularly the lower and outer portions, helping to create a well-rounded chest.

Strength and Endurance:

Chest dips build upper body strength and endurance, making them an excellent addition to your routine if you aim to improve your overall upper body fitness.

Functional Strength:

Developing the ability to push or lift your body weight can have practical applications in everyday life and sports.

Compound Exercise:

Chest dips engage multiple muscle groups, including the chest, shoulders, and triceps, making them an efficient compound exercise.

Weighted Dips:

To increase the challenge and promote muscle growth, you can add weight by using a dipping belt with weight plates or by holding a dumbbell between your legs. Start with light weights and gradually progress to heavier loads as you become more comfortable with the exercise.

Assisted Dips

If you’re new to chest dips or find them too challenging, you can use an assisted dip machine, resistance bands, or a partner’s assistance to make the exercise more manageable. This allows you to gradually build strength and confidence.

Experiment with different tempos, such as slow and controlled reps, or focus on a wider or narrower grip to target specific areas of the chest.

Chest dips are a versatile and effective exercise for building chest strength and size. Whether you’re aiming to perform them with additional weight or starting with assisted variations, incorporating chest dips into your workout routine can lead to significant chest muscle development and upper body strength gains.

Isolation exercises are an essential component of any well-rounded chest workout routine. They specifically target the chest muscles, helping to enhance muscle definition and create a more sculpted appearance. In this section, we’ll delve into two popular chest isolation exercises: the Pec Deck Machine and Cable Crossovers.

The Pec Deck Machine, also known as the chest fly machine, is designed to isolate the pectoral muscles. Proper form is crucial to maximize the effectiveness of this exercise:

Setup: Adjust the machine’s seat and handles so that your arms are at chest height. Sit down and place your forearms on the padded armrests, ensuring that your upper arms are parallel to the floor.

Execution: Push the handles together slowly and under control, squeezing your chest muscles as you do so. Exhale during this concentric (contracting) phase of the movement.

Return: Slowly release the handles to their starting position, allowing your chest muscles to stretch. Inhale during this eccentric (lengthening) phase.

Isolation: The Pec Deck Machine isolates the chest muscles, providing a focused contraction and stretch.

Controlled Resistance: It offers consistent resistance throughout the range of motion, reducing the risk of injury and allowing you to focus on muscle engagement.

Variety: The Pec Deck Machine is a valuable addition to your routine as it provides an alternative to free-weight exercises, offering muscle variety and helping to break plateaus.

Cable Crossovers are another excellent isolation exercise for the chest. Here’s how to perform them with proper technique:

Setup: Set the pulleys on a cable machine to the highest position. Attach D-handles to each pulley and adjust them to chest height. Stand in the middle of the machine with one foot forward for balance.

Execution: Hold one handle in each hand with your palms facing down. Keep a slight bend in your elbows and your core engaged. Bring your arms forward and across your chest, crossing them at the midpoint. Feel the stretch in your chest muscles.

Return: Slowly return your arms to their starting position, allowing your chest muscles to stretch. Keep the movement controlled throughout.

Targeted Muscle Engagement: Cable crossovers provide precise targeting of the chest muscles, ensuring a strong contraction and stretch.

Variability: You can adjust the height of the pulleys and the angle of your body to target different areas of the chest, such as the upper or lower chest.

Constant Tension: The cables maintain tension on your chest throughout the exercise, contributing to muscle growth and definition.

Isolation exercises like the Pec Deck Machine and Cable Crossovers are valuable tools for enhancing chest muscle development. They allow you to focus on the chest muscles without the involvement of other muscle groups, helping to create well-defined and balanced chest aesthetics. Incorporate these exercises into your chest workout routine for a comprehensive approach to chest training.

Ensuring proper technique and safety is paramount in any chest workout routine. Neglecting these aspects can lead to injuries and hinder your progress. In this section, we’ll explore common mistakes to avoid, injury prevention tips, and the significance of progressive overload.

Poor Form: Sacrificing proper form for heavier weights is a common mistake that can lead to injury. Always prioritize maintaining good form throughout your chest exercises to target the muscles effectively and reduce the risk of injury.

Overarching the Lower Back: Arching your lower back excessively during bench press exercises can strain your spine. Keep your lower back in a neutral position and maintain contact with the bench.

Neglecting Warm-Up Sets: Skipping warm-up sets can lead to muscle strains and joint injuries. Gradually increase the weight as you warm up to prepare your muscles and joints for the heavier work sets.

Using Excessive Momentum: Swinging or using momentum to lift weights diminishes the effectiveness of the exercise and increases the risk of injury. Lift weights in a controlled manner.

Lack of Range of Motion: Incomplete repetitions or shortening the range of motion can limit muscle engagement. Perform full and controlled repetitions to maximize muscle activation.

Warm-Up: Always start your chest workout with a thorough warm-up. Incorporate dynamic stretches and lightweight sets to increase blood flow to the muscles and prepare them for the upcoming work.

Proper Equipment Use: Ensure that you’re using the right equipment, such as weightlifting belts or wrist wraps, to support your safety and form.

Spotter: When lifting heavy weights, especially during exercises like the bench press, have a spotter present to assist you in case you struggle to complete a repetition.

Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to any discomfort or pain during your workout. If you experience pain beyond the usual muscle fatigue, stop the exercise and seek medical advice if needed.

Progress Gradually: Avoid the temptation to lift excessively heavy weights before you’re ready. Gradually increase the weight as you build strength and confidence.

Rest and Recovery: Allow your chest muscles to recover between workouts. Overtraining can lead to injuries and hinder muscle growth. Adequate sleep and proper nutrition are also essential for recovery.

Progressive overload is a fundamental principle of muscle growth. It involves gradually increasing the resistance or load on your muscles over time.

Here’s why it’s crucial:

Muscle Adaptation: Progressive overload forces your muscles to adapt to increasing stress. This adaptation results in muscle growth and increased strength.

Avoiding Plateaus: Regularly challenging your muscles with heavier weights prevents training plateaus, where your progress stagnates.

Injury Prevention: By progressing at a safe and controlled pace, you reduce the risk of overuse injuries that can occur from sudden increases in weight.

Consistent Progress: Tracking your workouts and steadily increasing the weight or intensity ensures consistent progress towards your chest muscle development goals.

In conclusion, prioritizing proper technique, safety precautions, and progressive overload in your chest workout routine is crucial for achieving your desired results while minimizing the risk of injuries. By adhering to these principles, you can make steady and sustainable progress in building a stronger and more defined chest.

Creating an effective chest workout routine requires a balance of exercises that target different areas of the chest and a structured plan that promotes progressive overload. In this section, we’ll provide a sample chest workout plan and discuss the importance of workout frequency and rest.

Below is a sample chest workout plan that incorporates a variety of chest exercises to ensure balanced muscle development. Remember to adjust the weights and repetitions based on your fitness level and goals.

1. Bench Press (Barbell or Dumbbell)

Warm-up: 2 sets of 12-15 reps with a light weight

Working sets: 4 sets of 8-10 reps with progressively heavier weights

Rest between sets: 2-3 minutes

2. Incline Dumbbell Press

3 sets of 10-12 reps

Rest between sets: 1.5-2 minutes

3. Cable Flyes (or Pec Deck Machine)

3 sets of 12-15 reps

Rest between sets: 1.5-2 minutes

4. Weighted Dips

3 sets of 8-10 reps (use a dipping belt or dumbbell for added weight)

Rest between sets: 2-3 minutes

5. Cable Crossovers

3 sets of 12-15 reps

Rest between sets: 1.5-2 minutes

6. Push-Ups (bodyweight or weighted)

2 sets to failure (use a weight vest or resistance band for added resistance)

Rest between sets: 1-2 minutes

The ideal frequency for chest workouts can vary depending on your experience level and overall training program. However, a common approach is to work your chest muscles 1-2 times per week. Here are some considerations:

Beginners: If you’re new to weightlifting, start with one chest workout per week to allow your muscles to adapt and recover.

Intermediate/Advanced: As you progress, you can increase your chest workout frequency to twice a week, but ensure that you have adequate rest between sessions.

Split Routines: Some individuals incorporate chest workouts into a split routine, where different muscle groups are trained on different days. For example, you might have one dedicated chest day and another chest-focused day as part of a larger upper body routine.

Proper rest between sets is crucial to optimize performance and recovery during your chest workout. The duration of rest can vary based on factors like intensity, training goals, and individual recovery capacity. Here are some general guidelines:

Heavy Strength Training: If your primary focus is building strength with heavy weights, rest for 2-3 minutes between sets to allow for near-complete recovery.

Hypertrophy (Muscle Growth): For hypertrophy-focused workouts, rest for 1.5-2 minutes between sets. This allows for enough recovery while keeping the intensity high.

Supersets or Circuits: If you’re incorporating supersets or circuit training, where you move quickly between exercises, rest for 30 seconds to 1 minute between exercises and then take a longer rest after completing the circuit.

Remember that individual preferences and responses vary, so it’s essential to listen to your body. Over time, you may adjust your rest periods to optimize your performance and recovery during your chest workouts.

By following a well-structured chest workout routine, paying attention to frequency and rest, and consistently challenging your muscles with progressive overload, you can achieve your chest muscle development goals safely and effectively.

Proper nutrition and effective rest and recovery strategies are essential components of a successful chest muscle development program. In this section, we’ll explore the vital roles of nutrition and recovery in optimizing your chest workouts.

Nutrition plays a crucial role in muscle growth and overall fitness. To maximize the results of your chest workouts, consider the following nutrition principles:

Protein Intake: Protein is the building block of muscle tissue. Ensure you consume an adequate amount of protein to support muscle repair and growth. Good sources of protein include lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy, legumes, and plant-based options like tofu and tempeh.

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Caloric Surplus: To build muscle, you need to consume more calories than you burn (a caloric surplus). This provides your body with the necessary energy and nutrients to support muscle growth. Calculate your daily caloric needs and adjust your diet accordingly.

Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates are the body’s primary source of energy. Include complex carbohydrates like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables in your diet to fuel your workouts and aid in recovery.

Healthy Fats: Healthy fats are essential for hormone production, including hormones like testosterone that influence muscle growth. Incorporate sources of healthy fats such as avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil into your diet.

Hydration: Staying adequately hydrated is crucial for muscle function and recovery. Dehydration can lead to decreased performance and muscle cramps. Drink plenty of water throughout the day, especially before and after your workouts.

Meal Timing: Consider having a balanced meal containing protein, carbohydrates, and fats within a couple of hours before your workout to provide your body with energy. Post-workout, consume a meal or snack to aid in recovery and muscle repair.

Supplements: While a well-rounded diet should cover most of your nutritional needs, some individuals may benefit from supplements such as whey protein, creatine, and branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) to support muscle growth. Consult with a healthcare professional before adding supplements to your regimen.

Adequate rest and recovery are essential for muscle repair, growth, and overall performance. Here are some effective strategies to incorporate into your chest muscle development program:

Sleep: Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night. During sleep, the body undergoes crucial repair and growth processes, including muscle recovery.

Active Recovery: Engage in light activities such as walking or yoga on your rest days. This promotes blood circulation and helps reduce muscle soreness.

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Nutrient Timing: Consume a post-workout meal or snack that includes carbohydrates and protein within the first hour after your workout to optimize recovery.

Hydration: Proper hydration is vital for muscle function and recovery. Drink water consistently throughout the day, and consider adding electrolyte-rich beverages during intense workouts.

Foam Rolling and Stretching: Incorporate foam rolling and stretching exercises to alleviate muscle tightness and improve flexibility. This can aid in recovery and reduce the risk of injury.

Rest Days: Schedule regular rest days into your workout routine. Overtraining can lead to fatigue, reduced performance, and an increased risk of injury. Allow your muscles and nervous system to recover fully.

Massage and Bodywork: Consider getting regular massages or engaging in self-myofascial release techniques using tools like foam rollers or massage sticks to alleviate muscle tension.

Stress Management: High stress levels can negatively impact recovery. Practice stress-reduction techniques such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or mindfulness to support overall well-being.

Periodization: Implement a periodization plan in your workout routine, which involves cycling intensity and volume to prevent overuse injuries and optimize progress.

Remember that everyone’s body responds differently to nutrition and recovery strategies, so it’s essential to tailor your approach to your specific needs and goals. By giving equal importance to your nutrition and recovery, you can ensure that your chest muscle development program is as effective and sustainable as possible.

A well-developed chest not only enhances your physique but also contributes to overall upper body strength and functionality. Building a bigger chest requires a structured workout routine, proper technique, and a focus on nutrition and recovery.

In this concluding section, we’ll recap the 7 best chest exercises, emphasize the importance of consistency, and highlight the need for a personalized approach.

Throughout this article, we’ve explored the seven best chest exercises that can help you achieve your chest muscle development goals:

It’s crucial to understand that building a bigger chest is a journey that requires time and consistency. Results won’t happen overnight, but with dedication and a structured approach, you can make significant progress. Consistency in your training, proper nutrition, and adequate rest are key factors that will ultimately determine your success.

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Remember that muscle growth is a gradual process. Stay patient and persistent, and avoid the temptation to rush or lift weights that are too heavy before you’re ready. Over time, your chest will become stronger, more defined, and better developed.

In conclusion, achieving a bigger chest is an attainable goal with the right knowledge and commitment. By incorporating the best chest exercises, focusing on proper nutrition and recovery, and adopting a personalized approach, you can make significant strides in building a chest that’s not only impressive in appearance but also strong and functional. Stay dedicated, stay consistent, and enjoy the journey to a bigger and better chest.

Image Sources

1. Bench Press (Barbell or Dumbbell)2. Incline Dumbbell Press3. Cable Flyes (or Pec Deck Machine)4. Weighted Dips5. Cable Crossovers6. Push-Ups (bodyweight or weighted)6 Effective Ways to Use Walking to Get Lean and Shed FatHow To Use Walking To Get Under 10% Body FatWalking vs Running: Which is Better for Fat Loss?How Hard Should You Train to Build Muscle – 5 Experts Give Their Answer5-Step Checklist to Lose WeightWhat Happens If You Eat Nothing For 3 Days?1. Bench Press (Barbell or Dumbbell)2. Incline Dumbbell Press3. Cable Flyes (or Pec Deck Machine)4. Weighted Dips5. Cable Crossovers6. Push-Ups (bodyweight or weighted)6 Effective Ways to Use Walking to Get Lean and Shed FatHow To Use Walking To Get Under 10% Body FatWalking vs Running: Which is Better for Fat Loss?How Hard Should You Train to Build Muscle – 5 Experts Give Their Answer5-Step Checklist to Lose WeightWhat Happens If You Eat Nothing For 3 Days?1. Bench Press (Barbell or Dumbbell)2. Incline Dumbbell Press3. Cable Flyes (or Pec Deck Machine)4. Weighted Dips5. Cable Crossovers6. Push-Ups (bodyweight or weighted)6 Effective Ways to Use Walking to Get Lean and Shed FatHow To Use Walking To Get Under 10% Body FatWalking vs Running: Which is Better for Fat Loss?How Hard Should You Train to Build Muscle – 5 Experts Give Their Answer5-Step Checklist to Lose WeightWhat Happens If You Eat Nothing For 3 Days?1. Bench Press (Barbell or Dumbbell)2. Incline Dumbbell Press3. Cable Flyes (or Pec Deck Machine)4. Weighted Dips5. Cable Crossovers6. Push-Ups (bodyweight or weighted)6 Effective Ways to Use Walking to Get Lean and Shed FatHow To Use Walking To Get Under 10% Body FatWalking vs Running: Which is Better for Fat Loss?How Hard Should You Train to Build Muscle – 5 Experts Give Their Answer5-Step Checklist to Lose WeightWhat Happens If You Eat Nothing For 3 Days?1. Bench Press (Barbell or Dumbbell)2. Incline Dumbbell Press3. Cable Flyes (or Pec Deck Machine)4. Weighted Dips5. Cable Crossovers6. Push-Ups (bodyweight or weighted)6 Effective Ways to Use Walking to Get Lean and Shed FatHow To Use Walking To Get Under 10% Body FatWalking vs Running: Which is Better for Fat Loss?How Hard Should You Train to Build Muscle – 5 Experts Give Their Answer5-Step Checklist to Lose WeightWhat Happens If You Eat Nothing For 3 Days?1. Bench Press (Barbell or Dumbbell)2. Incline Dumbbell Press3. Cable Flyes (or Pec Deck Machine)4. Weighted Dips5. Cable Crossovers6. Push-Ups (bodyweight or weighted)6 Effective Ways to Use Walking to Get Lean and Shed FatHow To Use Walking To Get Under 10% Body FatWalking vs Running: Which is Better for Fat Loss?How Hard Should You Train to Build Muscle – 5 Experts Give Their Answer5-Step Checklist to Lose WeightWhat Happens If You Eat Nothing For 3 Days?